Wednesday 2 March 2022

4 Benefits of Cloud Platform in the Internet of Things

What if I tell you the Internet of Things (IoT) alone does not offer many benefits? Yes, that is true to some extent. IoT is a network of billions of physical devices having processing ability, and are embedded with sensors and software. These devices collect and share a massive amount of data per second over the internet. This raw data when analyzed interprets meaningful information useful for smart decision making.
Benefits of Cloud Platform

As per IDC, by 2025 there will be 41.6 billion connected IoT devices that will generate 79.4 zettabytes (ZB) of data. Storing, processing, and managing the flow of such a vast amount of data is a complex task for businesses. In such a case, the Cloud platform acts as a catalyst by providing storage space and cloud computing allows the analysis, processing, and managing of the data enabling IoT systems to work more efficiently.

4 Benefits of Cloud Platform

4 Major Benefits of Cloud Platform in the Internet of Things

4 Major Benefits of Cloud Platform in the Internet of Things

Cloud platforms and cloud computing can bring ease to your business operations and drive its growth.  Here are 4 major benefits when you switch to a cloud platform:


One of the biggest benefits of deploying IoT systems in a cloud is scalability. Think of a situation where your organization needs to upscale the network infrastructure for IoT deployment. In the case of on-premise network infrastructure, such deployments require purchasing hardware,

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