Monday 19 October 2020

Machine Learning Trends in India

 Case 1: Netflix Using Machine Learning

There are different cases in which Netflix uses machine learning which has had a scalable impact leading to a permanent change in the technology landscape and user experience for many users. The adoption of AI-related solutions by Netflix is now growing stronger with time.

Some of the best Use Case of Machine Learning by Netflix includes the following-

i. Personalization of Movie Recommendations:

Netflix uses the watching history of other users who have a similar taste for recommending in what the user may be interested more in watching next, to engage the user and leading towards monthly subscriptions for more months to come

ii. Personalized Thumbnails and Artwork:

By using thousands of video frames from an existing movie or show, Netflix uses it as a starting point for the thumbnail generation. It also annotates the images and ranking of each image are done to identify the thumbnails that have the highest likelihood resulting from the user’s click. The calculations are based on what others are similar to the one clicked by use. One of the findings could include that the users who like a particular actor/movie genre are more likely to click those thumbnails which have similar actors or image attributes

iii. Post-Production of Movies (Movie Editing):

Use of historical data for cases of failure of quality checks in the past. Also, predicting in what cases, the manual checks would be most beneficial, which otherwise could be a very time consuming and laborious task

iv. Streaming Quality:

By the use of past viewing data, Netflix predicts the bandwidth usage for helping it in deciding when to cache the regional servers for fast load times especially during the peak or expected demand

Netflix Earnings Projection


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